The Family of Divine Innocence

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5.            The Universal Novitiate of the Holy Family:

Nazareth Universal.




Pope John Paul II in his message for World Peace Day, 2000:


“We cannot of course foresee the future, but we can set forth one certain principle: There will be peace only to the extent that humanity as a whole rediscovers its fundamental calling to be one family, a family in which the dignity and rights of individuals – whatever their status, race or religion are accepted as prior and superior to any kind of difference or distinction”.





Our Lord, Our Lady and St. Joseph speak in the messages of a Universal Novitiate that all are called to serve; laity, married or single, priests and religious. ‘The Novitiate of the Holy Family’ which is a spiritual and practical training given to us to help us to take up our roles within God’s own Family, the Holy Family. The messages of Divine Innocence sets out this training that helps us to regain our lost innocence and to live according to the Divine Order Christ founded in the Holy Family ‘the motherhouse of the Church’*. Our Lord showed that when souls move away from this Divine Order of things, they suffer and cause suffering to others. We see this for ourselves in such things as broken marriages, suffering families, abortion, drug taking, pornography, crime, the distortion of the role of men and women, lack of reverence and respect for human life, for creation and the natural world.


All that is part of the Trinitarian life of the Holy Family in Nazareth is available to us now today as a living reality when we are committed members of the Holy Family.  Our Lady carried out God’s Divine Order in her Motherhood and motherly role; of nurturing and mothering the life of Christ in herself and in the world, in her vocation. She continues to carry out that role for all humanity in and through the Catholic Church. In the Holy Family St. Joseph carried out his fatherly role; of protecting and guarding the life of Christ in himself and in the world, in his vocation. Christ, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, is the centre of the Holy Family and came only to do the Will of the Father; to save all mankind from their sins and to draw all to live God’s Divine Order in our lives.  We are called to follow Jesus in every aspect of His life from his Incarnation to His death and Resurrection.  Like the first Apostles and disciples of Christ, we must continue His mission in our lives and in the world; of proclaiming and living the Good News of Salvation.


In the Novitiate of the Holy Family all men strive to be Christ-like and guard and protect the life of Christ in themselves and in their vocation, as did St. Joseph. All women strive to be Christ-like and nurture and mother the life of Christ in this world and in their vocation as did Our Blessed Lady. All men, women and families strive to make their whole lives Christ-centred like the Holy Family of Nazareth. Through the Universal Church the life of the Holy Family in Nazareth becomes Nazareth Universal, so the whole of humanity can become one Holy Family and people of God within the original Holy Family itself and as true members of that original Christian family. The Old and the New Covenants come together in the Holy Family through Christ’s Sacrifice and the pouring out of His precious Blood.


* Our Lord used this terminology in messages dated 11th December 1997 and 25th February 1999, and Our Lady in messages dated 7th September 1999 and 19th November 2003.



19th October 1990.  St. Paul of the Cross and Canadian Martyrs.


Patricia.  At the singing of the Creed I was aware of Our Lady's presence at the reference to the Incarnation.  Our Lady spoke:


Our Lady.   I have come especially to families to teach them the Novitiate of the Family.  Why do you grieve, my child?


Patricia.  I grieve for broken families, for children and wives who have no protection, for men whose wives have left them or abandoned the family, for priests who do not realise the full depth of their spiritual fatherhood - poor abandoned children suffering the deep wounds of that abandonment!


Our Lady.   That is why, my child, it is so important that you step into the Holy Family; so many do not realise that this is not a pious exercise but a living reality.  From inside the Holy Family you offer to God the merits of the life of the Holy Family.  We help you struggle with the sufferings in the natural family while you enjoy all the wonderful benefits of the Holy Family.  Here in the Holy Family the sacrament of marriage is lived to perfection.


My Heart goes out to suffering families, to the sufferings of the family of the Community, the Parish, the Family of Nations, the Family of Mankind.  Spread the teaching of the Holy Family everywhere; live this Novitiate.  No longer will the sins of the parents be visited on the children

to the third and fourth generation, for within the Holy Family – your new family - your new Parents have nothing but virtue and love to visit upon you [in a holy and wholesome environment]!


Genesis 1:27.


‘God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.’


19th March 1987.   Feast of St. Joseph.


Patricia.   St. Joseph, my Father and Lord, how did you manage all the work you had to do, your prayer life and caring for Our Lord and Our Lady?  So many husbands seem to have no time for prayer.  Poor, poor souls who believe they can fend for themselves!  Oh St. Joseph, teach me please how families should live.


St. Joseph.  Family life should be based on prayer; no work or action should begin without prayer.  It should be natural, the moment you open your eyes in the morning, to lift your heart and mind to the good God – Who gives you your being and all you possess.  Families, all the members together, should begin their day with prayer and stop frequently to bring their mind back to God, then all activity will become a prayer!

The Way of Divine Innocence for the family is this:


Live as the Holy Family lived in Nazareth.  Care for your children as you would the Christ Child, for in their souls resides Divine Innocence in the presence of God.  Their bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit.  Honour and care for them as such.  Serve each other in love and with great tenderness.  Be peaceful and courteous; treat each other with kindliness and great consideration.


Children, the authority given to your parents has been given by God!  Be obedient to God by your obedience to your parents.


Parents, exercise your authority by gentle guidance and good example; never treat your child in a tyrannical way.  You will be held responsible for your guardianship!


If the family prayed together, listened to the Scriptures, and spent time before God in the Blessed Sacrament, God Himself would teach you correct behaviour.

Husbands, treat your wives gently and kindly.  Give them time for prayer and silence so that their individual talents may enrich the family.  Remember again, your bodies are the temples of God; in every action God is present in you both. By your treatment of each other you glorify

or crucify Christ Our Lord.  When you come together in love and intimacy, let it not just be for

the satisfaction of the body and its passions, but in deep love and joy.  If children were conceived in such unions what love would pour into souls!


Wives, serve and respect your husbands; support them in their trials; submit to their authority which is given by God.  If families followed the Laws of God in humility and love - what happiness would pour into your homes and lives!


Patricia.  St. Joseph is now here with the Christ Child in his arms.  He speaks to the men.


St. Joseph.  Remember your solemn duty and calling from God to be the protectors of holiness and innocence, first in yourselves, then in the children, in women and in your vocation and place of work.  The calling of all men to be fathers and guardians of Holy Innocence is a God-given role, heaven depends on you.


Let only innocent words fall from your lips; let only innocent thoughts fill your minds and hearts; and let the Christ Child be triumphant in Holy Innocence in all your actions.


Patricia.  The Christ Child has been put down by St. Joseph and has gone to the little children to whom He shows great affection.  He has made the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of each young person here.  Our Lady is by the Tabernacle as the Mother of the Mystical Wounds and weeps with love and thanksgiving.


2 Sam 7:28-29:  


 “And now, O Lord GOD, thou art God, and thy words are true, and thou hast promised this good thing to thy servant; now therefore may it please thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may continue for ever before thee; for thou, O Lord GOD, hast spoken, and with thy blessing shall the house of thy servant be blessed for ever."


August 1994. 


Patricia.  Our Lady came at the Prayers.


Our Lady.   My children, it gives me great pleasure to be with you during your prayers; it consoles my wounded, Motherly Heart.  All your petitions I will make my special Motherly concern.


All here are mothers with wounded, motherly hearts.  We understand each other.  You are being asked, as I had been asked, to exercise your God-given role as mothers of Divine Innocence* to a heroic degree; to die as I did a deep interior death of loving motherly reparation, an agony of love in union with Jesus Crucified in the crucified souls around

you and to pray and suffer for them, a victim of motherly love.


* Patricia.  All women, married or single, have the motherly role of nurturing the life of Christ in this world in those they come in contact with and, like Our Lady, often suffer a living crucifixion in their wounded motherhood as they see Christ in His Divine Innocence Crucified.


Our Lady.   You will sow in tears but, I promise you, already you bring home the sheaves of victory, as more and more souls begin to understand and live the Novitiate of the One Holy Family, the original Christian Family.


There are many who would destroy the perfect Order founded by my Divine Son.  Resist all distortions of the Original Order.  This is not just good Order; it is the Perfect Order founded by God Himself.  When you truly understand your roles, male and female, priest and

laity, and live this perfect order - the Order of Divine Innocence Triumphant - everywhere, the whole world will be transformed.


You are fortunate souls indeed to have been chosen to receive this singular grace and to have responded to it.  Thank God for His mercy towards you.


Patricia.  Mother, will you explain St. Joseph's role to us?


Our Lady.   O my child, men and women have so much to learn from the Glorious Patriarch, St. Joseph!  How privileged I felt to be under his care and protection!  When he understood his sublime calling and the magnificence of his role and the role of all men, married or single, priest, laity or religious, his interior joy was ecstatic.  He gave his whole life in daily toil

and fidelity, to fully realise his vocation as Guardian and Protector of the life of Jesus the Son of God.


His role, and the role of all men, is to be Christlike; to acquire a motherly heart** which is sensitive to the needs of women, their security and protection, and their motherly grace.  In this way the Fatherly and Motherly Love of God came together in the person of St. Joseph.


Patricia.  Mother, you were fortunate indeed in having St. Joseph to care for you!  So many women have no St. Joseph in this world and long for such protection and guardianship from the men they meet or live with; they spend their whole lives grieving.


Our Lady.  My children, you do have St. Joseph - as surely as I had and as real to you as he was to me!  His protection is no longer limited to one small place on this earth.  He is the Universal Guardian and Protector of the Body of Christ.  He has a tender and intimate love for each one of you and longs to see the birth of the life of Christ in you; to see Him grow in stature and wisdom in all your actions, thoughts, words and intentions.  Do not fear or feel lonely; do not grieve; turn to him in your need and pray and suffer for the men who do not yet understand their true God-given role.


Within the Holy Family you enjoy the full spiritual benefits of this grace.  You are truly blessed when you make reparation for others in whom the grace is still in its embryo stage.  Rejoice and embrace with joy each cross.  I depend on you, my dear children who have responded to this grace.  You already have entered, in a spiritual sense, the New Garden of Eden.


Patricia.  In Nazareth Universal we follow Jesus by living the life of The Trinity in the New Garden of Eden.


** Such as the motherly heart of the Mother Church that expresses the tender love of God eg. from Scripture, Mat 23:37:  “How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!”


Gaudium et Spes, The Church in the Modern World, n. 24.


‘God, who has fatherly concern for everyone has willed that all people should form one family and treat one another in a spirit of brotherhood.’


16th October 1994.  Nazareth House, Mid-Day Prayer of the Divine Office and Rosary.


Jesus.  Those who treat a woman's motherly role with contempt, tyranny, or harshness commit a very grave sin.  They sin against God the Father's Authority.  Who is there who will not pay dearly for such an offence in the end (Judgement) ?


Those who do not respect the fatherly authority in men and undermine it do the same and will in the end come before Me and the Judgement Seat.  I will judge if men and women have exercised correctly the authority given to them by God the Father.


Men or women who undermine the fatherly or motherly role in themselves by their irresponsible and sinful behaviour will find they will be answerable for it on the Day of Judgement.


Church Authorities, governments, educators, doctors, legislators,  those in trade and commerce, and those in all areas of civil and domestic authority, will be shown the devastating effects of the authority they misused.


Patricia.  Our Lord spoke of society and the motherly role of women:


Jesus.  By far the most devastating effect on society is the diabolical attack on the motherly role of women.  You attack the heart of the family, society and all that is good in women when you attack the motherly role in women.


Many women are so disorientated by the attacks of men, and the diabolical forces of evil, on their womanhood and motherhood, that they react aggressively to centuries of ill treatment.

Some women also damage the beauty of their God-given role in various ways.  They give up all hope of change and leave their families, to seek in others what they do not find in their own marriages.  They will not find it until the education of both men and women in the Novitiate of the Holy Family takes place.


Men of goodwill suffer also as everywhere their fatherly role is destroyed.  Many men destroy their God-given role themselves or it is destroyed by the society in which they live.  (Patricia. We need to learn our correct roles as founded and established by Jesus in the Holy Family and in the Church.)


There are those souls - both men and women - who care for nothing but themselves and are like destroyers of all that is tender and delicate in the role of men and women.  The sublime, God-given role of men and women, given to them by God the Father, is a glorious calling and will benefit every society and transform the world, if carried out in all its loveliness within this

Novitiate of the One Holy Family and people of God.



Gaudium et Spes  n. 33:


‘ He commanded His Apostles to preach to all peoples the Gospel’s message that the human race was to become the Family of God, in which the fullness of the Law would be love.’


12th April 1998(ii).  Holy Thursday.


Patricia.   We were studying the 'Profession of Faith' C.C.C. 512, Paragraph 3: The Mysteries of Christ's Life.


R.   'Concerning Christ's life the Creed speaks only about the mysteries of the Incarnation (conception and birth) and Paschal mystery (passion, crucifixion, death, burial, descent into hell, resurrection and ascension).  It says nothing explicitly about the mysteries of Jesus' hidden or public life, but the articles of faith concerning his Incarnation and Passover do shed light on the whole of his earthly life. 'All that Jesus did and taught, from the beginning until the day when he was taken up to heaven', (Acts 1:1-2) is to be seen in the light of the mysteries of Christmas and Easter.'


Patricia.   Commenting on the above Our Lord said:


Jesus.    I AM that I AM!  The Holy Family IS PERFECTION on earth!  It IS the life of the Blessed Trinity! It IS the perfection of the Role of Men, Women and Priests! The Novitiate IS the New Garden of Eden!


Patricia.  Both Our Lady and St. Joseph are Christ-like. The Perfection of the Role of women is seen in Our Lady.  The Perfection of the role of men is seen in St. Joseph.


The one Perfect Priest is Our Lord who completes the Holy Family. Like the Holy Family our lives must be Christ centred and if we live fully committed to the life of the Holy Family it will be. That perfection is not yet perfect in us. The Novitiate of the Holy Family is to help us to live that perfection right now. The Novitiate is to train us in the perfection of our roles and how to co-operate more effectively with others in their roles. In this way the perfection Christ came to give us is founded in each one of us.  Our Lord said "Be ye therefore perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Jesus came to show us the Way to the Father. The Way of Divine Innocence is the way to the Father explained in greater clarity.


The hidden life of Nazareth is coming more and more into focus as is the hidden role of St. Joseph and Our Lady and the teaching Our Lord gave the Holy Couple in Nazareth. There is only one Holy Family and that is the original Holy Family where the perfection of Catholic Family life was being established for the whole of the family and people of God for all time. The perfection of the motherly and fatherly roles of all men women and priests was founded in that original Holy Family and Our Lady and St. Joseph were the first novices to be trained in this Holy Universal Novitiate.


Often we hear some people say "Have you allowed Jesus into your life".  We would do better to think in the other direction. Our lives are full of sin and imperfection. He wants us to come into His life. We have to go fully into His life, enter His heart and mind and His Family, the Holy Family.


Our Lord invited us all in the Gospel via Philip to "Come and See" where he lives in Nazareth. Since the Crucifixion the life of Nazareth is Universal.  It would be better for us to be at home in his home and follow his rule of life than for Jesus to be a guest in our home and lives where we still hold the key of the home and make the rules. So often we say to Our Lord, "that is far enough don't interfere too much in my life”. We can sometimes act as if Our Lord and His way of life is inconvenient.  When Christ stands at the door and knocks it would be better for us if he knocks at the door of Nazareth and find us fully at home with Our Lady and St. Joseph. If he must knock at our door surely it must be to say to us “come and see where I LIVE”. He had only one home on earth and that was Nazareth.  You may hear people say “we are already in the Holy Family through our Baptism” but are we fully Committed members of the Holy Family and the life of the Blessed Trinity and are we really studying how to become perfect in a committed way?


I asked Our Lord what is the difference between being in the Church and being in the Novitiate of the Holy Family.


Jesus.    The difference is the degree of perfection revealed and the training offered to attain perfection by the shortest route possible. Many prefer the long route. They are in no hurry to be perfect or to reach heaven.  Oh Yes, there are millions of non committed Catholics Christians and millions of non committed Christians, they are Catholic and Christian in name only.


Patricia.   But Lord I am speaking about those trying to do their best to be good Catholics Christians and good people outside the Church. Our Lord referred to the Penny Catechism:


R.  “ Why did God make me? He made me to KNOW HIM, to LOVE HIM and to SERVE HIM and to be happy with Him in this world and the next.” (Penny Catechism) 


Jesus.    This Novitiate is for everyone! This is not Personal Service or National Service, this is the Universal Service of the Holy Catholic Church!


Jesus.    What happens to a new recruit in the Army? ,Training! He or she is prepared for battle. What happens to a small child in a family? Training!  What happens in the Novitiate of the Holy Family? Training for perfection! On the Way of Perfection there are battles to be fought and WON! You will be trained and equipped to WIN not to lose!


Patricia.   Lord what can we say when people say, “Why should I serve this Novitiate of the Holy Family?”


Jesus.    Tell them the Virgin Mother of God was humble enough to serve it before you and so was the great St. Joseph, pure spouse of Mary. Tell them their Saviour and Lord humbled Himself to be born of a creature and to be obedient to St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother. Tell them to follow Me from the beginning to the end. Can they say I have another spirituality other than the spirituality of the Church Herself, different from the Blessed Mother, separate from St. Joseph; a spirituality that is not of My Divine Innocence?  If they do, their spirituality is not Catholic or christian or of the original perfect order I founded in the beginning.  Their situation is not Catholic in the sense of Universal or obedient to Me. The Blessed Mother said "Do as he tells you" and I said in the Gospel, “Come and see” [where I live] (Jn 1:39).


Patricia.   My Lord, was that not in the context of the wedding feast?


Jesus.    This is the wedding feast of the Lamb! What servant decides his own training programme. The families, men, women, the priest, the children are not trained in the Way of My Divine Innocence! They are not trained to understand the perfection of their separate yet complementary roles.


Patricia.   Forgive me, Lord, for saying that there are millions of people who have gone before us who never heard of the Novitiate of the Holy Family. There are millions in the Church now who do not know about it. I do not wish to question you, Lord, I only wish to be able to answer those who attack your beautiful messages.


Jesus.    There are millions who will learn this Way of My Divine Innocence because it is the easiest* way to Heaven! No longer will the roles of women be crucified, no longer will the role of men be crucified or the role of the Priest. No longer will the innocence of little children be stolen from them, if only you will follow My Way of Divine Innocence and allow the original perfect Order I founded in the beginning to be founded in each one of you!


Jesus.    A little child will lead them, My Divine Innocence. The Way of My Divine Innocence will show the way to the life that is more abundant.


Patricia.   Lord, please, what is the difference between being in the Church and being in the Church and serving this Novitiate?


Jesus.    A difference of degree.


Patricia.   Lord, some say everyone is in the Holy Family.


Jesus.    They do not act as if they are! Many keep company with devils not saints.


Patricia.   Lord, we are speaking of those who are trying to be good Catholics.


Jesus.    What do you mean by trying? How many Catholics really know their faith? How many read the Bible, the very Word of God?  How many have ever opened the Catechism of the Catholic Church? How many have ever read even one of the Holy Father’s Documents? How many have read the documents of the Church or the Councils? What do you mean by trying? - a starvation diet! Many manage on devotion empty of substance. Too many Catholics are at the kindergarten level and have no intention of advancing, they wander into error through culpable ignorance. If they reach Heaven at all they will inhabit the lower mansion.


Patricia.   Lord, forgive me for pressing you, I need to answer those who attack us or think the Novitiate is just another spirituality. What of priests and religious who say this is not for them, they have another spirituality?


Jesus.    That is the trouble, they have another spirituality - that is exactly the problem!



Pope John Paul II in Familiaris Consortio, The Christian Family in the Modern World, 1981, n.86 states:


‘Through God’s mysterious design, it was in that family [the Holy Family of Nazareth] that the Son of God spent long years of a hidden life.  It is therefore the prototype and example for all Christian families.’


28th December 1998.  St. Raphael’s Church, Surbiton. Feast of the Holy Innocents.


Patricia.    The Holy Family is here.


Patricia.    Dear Holy Mother, your family is beautiful. Many people have broken families, broken by sin or separation. Have pity, dear Mother, and help us.


Our Lady.    My children, this is why we wish you to be fully committed members of the Holy Family, your true home on earth. No longer do I wish you to say, “I live in a broken family.” Come, come, my dear children! Come into the Holy Family, but you must be fully committed members of this Family. Can you honestly say you are fitting members of the Holy Family? Can you say, my daughters, that you can carry out your motherly role after my example? My role in the world is to nurture the precious life of Jesus Christ. Do you nurture the life of Christ, first in yourselves, then in your families, your particular vocation and work? Do you do so in your speech, your dress, your intentions? Can you truly say, Mother, I can do this perfectly?


Our Lady.   My dear sons (all men), can you truly say that you carry out your role to perfection in a Christlike way? [Patricia. The role of St. Joseph and Christ].

Do you protect and guard the life of the Son of God - the life of Christ, in all you do, in your fatherly role, in yourself, in your family, in your children; (priests have a spiritual family and spiritual children), in your vocation, in your speech, in your thoughts and your intentions, especially towards women? Do you co-operate with women so that the life of Christ can be conceived, grow and be born in your world?


My priest sons, do you go, or have you ever gone, down to Nazareth to see where the Saviour, your Heavenly Mother and St. Joseph live? Yes, live now! Nazareth is where you can all receive the training in the Novitiate of the Holy Family. Has there ever been a Novitiate that all can serve, the Holy Father, every Cardinal, every Bishop, every Priest, every man, woman and child? Only this Novitiate can be served universally.


Jesus.   This Novitiate is the Novitiate of the Church and all mankind. The Saviour goes forth in this Novitiate to gather in the whole people of God, the sheep, the lambs. I call to the shepherds, shepherds after My own Heart, “come, help Me gather in My flock.”


Patricia.   The Holy Family was shown standing together over the sanctuary area, Our Lady holding the Holy Child. Suddenly the Holy Child was shown in the centre of a magnificent light with wounds on His hands, feet, heart and brow. Angels were adoring Him, St. Joseph and Our Lady knelt also. This scene changed and Our Lord was shown as a strong Shepherd carrying a shepherd’s crook and striding over the whole world gathering in His sheep from all the nations. Then Our Lord called the Holy Father, the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests to come and help Him to gather in His flock, by learning this Novitiate and helping the people to learn the Universal Novitiate of the Holy Family. A great battle rages around God’s people.


Jesus.  It is the devil’s intention to destroy as many souls as possible made in God’s Image. He begins with the weakest and most helpless, the most wounded, even from the moment of conception. The devil has collaborators in government officials, medical people, parents and educators. They do not realise that they are agents of diabolical evil.


The Way of My Divine Innocence will defend you if you will only listen. Give Me no more excuses. Study your faith. Come on your knees in confession. Amend your lives completely. You have the strength of your God with you. You are My Body, the Church. Be strong, be holy, be blessed ! Thank you for your reparation. You hold back punishment from the most guilty in order that they may repent.


Patricia.   Our Lord gives His Blessing +.




31st December 2000.  Feast of the Holy Family. Nazareth House.  New Commitments, renewal of Commitments, intentions to make the Commitment to the Holy Family.


Patricia.    The Holy Family is here.  In a spiritual sense, I kneel beside Our Lady close to Our Lord (the Child Jesus) and close to St. Joseph.  Speaking for the Holy Family, Our Lady said:


Our Lady.   We have come to receive with joy the new intentions, the new Commitments and the deeper commitments of those who have already taken their Commitment.  Some of you must take your Commitment alone and some of you are able to join with other members, but to us, you are all as one dear family - our family, the Holy Family.  No one is forgotten or forsaken. You have brothers and sisters in growing numbers in many countries.  Little by little your numbers will grow into the Holy Catholic (Universal) Family within the original design. You will understand more and more clearly the dignity of being a member of God's own Household, the Holy Family itself. It is the destiny of mankind to belong to this original Christian family.  What joy will be yours when you are able to embrace your brothers and sisters of all races and peoples and truly know and live as true members of the Holy Family.


The full beauty of the Trinitarian life of this original design is yours and has been so since the beginning. The perfection of your motherly and fatherly, male and female roles comes to perfection within the Holy Family in holy and childlike innocence through the Novitiate of the Holy Family. Do not be afraid of this training!  We are with you to help you to walk in the Holy and Divine Innocence of Jesus by easy and gentle steps. Follow Him! He has shown you the gentle slopes and byways of green pastures.  He is the Good Shepherd who leads you by still waters and the good pastures of holiness.  There is no simpler way to reach perfection than the Way of Christ's Divine Innocence.  Each year, with the renewal of your Commitment, He is born anew within you and your vocation.  Do not be discouraged by your failures.  They are to us falls that draws us quickly to your side (like parents who rush to pick up a child that has fallen), not to condemn, but to lift you up, bathe your wounds and set you upon the right road again.


Patricia.   The Infant Jesus speaks:


Infant Jesus.  Follow Me in Divine Innocence! Be My companions - I love you!


Patricia.   St Joseph speaks:


St. Joseph.   Each one of you is my special concern and under my protection!


Patricia.   The Infant Jesus blesses us and our Lady and St. Joseph give us their motherly and fatherly blessing.


Patricia.   Later the same day Our Lord said:


Jesus.   Tell the people that not one particle of their suffering is wasted when they unite it to Mine on the Cross.  It becomes a perfect offering in My Perfect Offering for the whole of humanity and helps Me to draw all things to Myself, all mankind and all creation. My children, think carefully of the action of the Blessed Trinity; Love - Divine Love; Unity - universal unity; Peace - world peace, within One Holy Family of God.  'No more Jew or Gentile, No more slave or freeman.....' you are all ONE! (one universal family) in your One God - three Persons (relationship).


Think carefully of relationship - the universal relationship of Divine Love of the Blessed Trinity. Your relationship with the Trinitarian life of the Holy Family within your person, gender, role and vocation!  Male and female, your God created you in love for a relationship of love in My Divine Innocence.  A relationship of perfect love that draws all things to union, unity, peace and life more abundantly!  By committing yourself to the Novitiate of the Holy Family in humility and love and with true diligence and full commitment you say with the Blessed mother, 'Yes, be it done unto me according to thy Word', and My Father and I will come to you and the Holy Spirit will overshadow you and draw you to the very heart of the Trinity; Divine Love - Divine Innocence -one Divine Family, THE ONE,  THE ONLY,  THE ORIGINAL HOLY FAMILY,  THE PERFECT FAMILY,  MY FAMILY,  YOUR FAMILY  where all may turn to one another in charity and recognise they are 'no longer aliens in a foreign land but intimately related within the Holy Family striving to perfect every area of society in the motherly and fatherly roles according to the Order of My Divine Innocence! (6th February 2001: J.  A melody of Divine Love!) 


All your trials and crucifixions offered in union with Mine upon the Cross is already VICTORY, for I have conquered sin and death forever!  Claim My Victory as your own and you will see not the outward appearance but the sure and certain Victory of your faith and the faith of My Church and you will say in your individual crucifixions and in agony on the cross: 'Forgive them, they know not what they do'(Lk 23:34). You will love those who persecute you and do good to those who despise you (Matt 5:44). In every seeming defeat, you will be able to say: " 'He is RISEN, He is not here' in this tomb of sin and evil", and with St. Thomas and Mary Magdalene, "My Lord and My God" "Rabonni" (Teacher).  You will say "He is RISEN, here in my heart, in my will, in my home, in my agony, in my sorrow and loss" and then grace will pour down and you will be an instrument of My Love. You will say; "For unto us a child has been born, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonder Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isa 9:6)  "My peace, the world's peace, the Prince of Peace, Divine Innocence regained and my lost innocence risen in His Divine Innocence.  Victorious!  Yes, all is and will be well!  My Blessing +.



19th January 2001.


Jesus.   Do not break up the whole diamond [Patricia.  Our Lord was referring to an earlier message that spoke about a great diamond symbolising all facets of the Catholic faith; the different orders, charisms, spirituality’s and movements within the Church.  He showed that the Way of Christ’s Divine Innocence is the whole diamond in its complete perfection triumphant in His Divine Innocence.]  Each facet flashes out the beauty of the whole diamond.  If one facet is missing, the brilliance of this precious stone is diminished.


Jesus.   The whole diamond of My Divine Innocence has shone out ever more brilliantly over the ages in the understanding of mankind (P.  e.g. in Our Lady, in the Holy Family and the founding of the domestic Church, in the Apostles, the Church at Pentecost, the first disciples, the first communities, the development of doctrine, the Fathers and the spread of the Church with its great orders)


Patricia.   I was shown a huge and exquisitely beautiful diamond wrapped in soft velvet slowly being unwrapped over the centuries.  Now in this age, the whole diamond of Christ’s Divine Innocence is revealed, although it was always there from the beginning.  Christ's Divine Innocence is more easily recognised in the Holy Infant, the Word made flesh in Bethlehem.  But of course Christ's Divine Innocence is not limited to a physical age in His humanity or to His life here on earth, because He is God, never beginning, never ending.  God’s Divine Innocence is Trinitarian!  Divine Innocence is incredible!  Oh, if only the Church officials would allow me to explain!  God wants mere human beings to enjoy this incredible reality; 'O Divine Innocence be triumphant in our crucified innocence'.


Jesus.   There should be no fear or rivalry between the orders and communities and the community of My Divine Innocence - You will and must be one!  What diamond breaks itself up into single facets? - No separation, one Universal Family!  The one Holy Family and People of God!


Patricia.   The same day…


Patricia.   We went down by car to Mass at the Parish Church of St. Raphael's.  There had been a sprinkling of snow during the night that formed a light covering over everything.  Our Lord spoke, referring to His Divine Innocence:


Jesus.   My Divine Innocence is not just an outer covering like snow. 


Patricia.   Martin Luther had described the human person as being like a dung heap covered with snow; that our sinfulness remains hidden beneath the outer pure covering of Christ and that we did not change within, innocence was lost and could not be regained.  The Catholic faith believes that, through the Sacraments and grace, we truly do change within and our innocence can be returned to us.  Christ’s innocence becomes the very fabric of our being, His Divine Innocence transforms us from within.  The life of God’s Divine Innocence, Our Lord said, was not an optional memoria, it was a perpetual feast day (The Divine Office of the Church celebrates memorias, optional memorias and feast days, Our Lord used this analogy to make His point).


Jesus.   Hence, the prayer I have given you;  "O Divine Innocence be triumphant in our crucified innocence", the Trinitarian Divine Innocence.


Patricia.   God the Father's Will, His Mercy and Love, all that the Father is; Christ redeeming us, his love and forgiveness, all that Christ is; the Spirit, the Divine Innocence of the Spirit as Consoler and Advocate, all the fruits of the Holy Spirit, is Divine Innocence in unity, splendour, joy.


Jesus.   Love, love and more love!


Jesus.   Divine Innocence is the Mass, Divine Innocence is poured out to you in love in Confession and all the Sacraments!  Why should the Church authorities be afraid of My Divine Innocence?  But then, I knew you would be afraid, because the light of its brilliance would blind your eyes! 


Patricia.   Our Lord showed that this light illuminates all areas of darkness and disorder.


Jesus.   Wherever I am in the light of My Divine Innocence, there is no darkness. Live in the light of  My Divine Innocence!


Patricia.   As we approached the local Church, Our Lord referred to some shrubs in a garden. 


Jesus.   The flowers that blossom in winter, the berries that feed the birds, the seeds ready to fall onto the earth and begin to grow etc. are all expressions of My Divine Innocence in nature and show My Love for you.  In nature, the most beautiful expression of innocence is snow (P.  its pure white flakes of innumerable variations falling to the ground), in human nature, a newly-born child and even more so when the child is baptised!  Divine Innocence is present in the Virgin Mary - in virginity.


Patricia.   What of those who have lost their innocence?


Jesus.   Confession restores innocence again!


Patricia.   As we settled ourselves in the Church pew, the bell rang for Mass, Father came out into the Sanctuary and was about to begin Mass. Our Lord spoke:


Jesus.   Now watch Divine Innocence in saving action!  (Patricia. In the Mass)

Patricia.   Father began Mass by making the sign of the Cross.  Our Lord showed that Divine Innocence has its beginning in the Holy Trinity.  Then, at the Priest's invitation, we said the Confiteor.  Innocence is in our confession of sins and in our contrition.  Father concluded with "May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life".  Our Lord showed that in our repentance and our asking Him to forgive us through the Church, we showed our desire to be innocent.  Our Lord spoke:


Jesus.   Ask and you will receive.  When you ask for something in My Name, My Father will give it to you.  You have asked for mercy and it will be given!


Patricia.   The Word of God was then read.


Jesus.   The Divine Innocence of the Word is active and effective in those who co-operate and desire to live the word in their lives in humility.


Jesus.   Divine Innocence is not of created order - Divine Innocence IS!  Divine Innocence in reality is the Mass, saving mankind once and for all - ever present in the Mass. Divine Innocence is offered in the perfection of motherhood, fatherhood, childhood and the Priesthood.


Patricia.   Each drop of Christ's Blood is Divine Innocence shed for love of us!


Jesus.   The aborted children witness to My Divine Innocence triumphant over every kind of evil - they are forerunners (like St. John the Baptist) of My coming.  Of all humanity, who else could I have chosen to witness to My Divine Innocence?  Tell me, who is more fitting, who a better or more perfect choice?  The claiming will witness to a fact that God's Divine Innocence is a feast that will feed millions for generation after generation (with graces)!


Jesus.   You are able to touch in a million ways the expression of My Divine Innocence in creation, e.g. a new born child, yet ever more perfectly expressed after Baptism [Patricia.  A special grace of Divine Innocence].


Patricia.   We can see a reflection of Divine Innocence in a newly unfurled leaf, in a new-born creatures, e.g. puppies, kittens, chicks, ducklings, in snowflakes, freshly opened flowers, the sunrise and the warmth of the sun, snowdrops, fresh milk still warm after milking - a child asleep in its mother's arms, all the wonders of science and physics, and in the invisible world those things we cannot touch, electricity, the air we breathe etc. 


Patricia.   We human beings are able to destroy these expressions and reminders of Divine Innocence in creation and in ourselves.  But God, in His tender mercy, makes all things new and even gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit.  He hopes in us, cares for us and draws us into the life of His Divine Innocence.


Patricia.   Lord, what about the little girl who was neglected and beaten and finally died, and all those killed in their innocence?


Jesus.   Her reward is great in Heaven [Patricia. Our Lord referred to the Gospel story of Lazarus].  Those who have reached the age of reason are responsible for their freewill.


Jesus.   In Confession, Divine Innocence draws near and kisses the soul newly washed in My Precious Saving Blood.


Patricia.   Our Lord also showed that the good angels were another expression of God's Divine Innocence.  His Divine Innocence is shown in holiness.


Patricia.   A young girl studying the Way of Divine Innocence and living out the Novitiate in her motherly role, said that it seems like an impossible thing to reach. Our Lord immediately responded:


Jesus.   It is not a matter of you reaching it, but allowing God's Divine Innocence to reach you and to elevate you!


23rd April 2001.  Nazareth House. Mass.


Patricia.   I was thinking about the first Reading taken from the Acts of the Apostles 4:23-31 in which the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles filling them with his gifts:


R.   ‘And now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness, while thou stretchest out thy hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of thy holy servant Jesus." And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.’


Patricia.   I asked if we could receive gifts of the Holy Spirit and of healing like the Apostles.  Speaking of the Way of Divine Innocence, Our Lord said:


Jesus.   This is a radical healing of every area of your lives, of My body the Church, of society, in fact all humanity!  The time is ripe for this harvest!  It is preventative!  It is the operative for the inoperative!  It is surgical where that is necessary (cutting out the cancer of sin)!  If you follow this way, it will cure the cancer of sin that spreads rapidly through My people!  It is a cure-all and a panacea for many spiritual and physical sicknesses!  By learning the Novitiate of the Holy Family and walking in the Way of My Divine Innocence, the blind will see, the lame walk, the deaf hear and the dead will be raised to a new age of My Divine Innocence!


Many work hard at various vocations but few work hard at the true everlasting vocation, HOLINESS!  (Mat. 5:48– Lumen Gentium; universal call to holiness)  True citizenship begins with sanctity, then you will eventually be a citizen of Heaven.  Many governments pay students fees to study secular subjects and expect them to pass examinations.  What is the use of all this knowledge if there is no knowledge of God to set all on the right road to Heaven?  When will governments and society see that holy people make for a safe and stable society?


Patricia.   Dear Lord, many people may disagree with you!


Jesus.   You may disagree with the TRUTH but that will not change it!


Patricia.   Lord, you began with the Jewish people, why are we not all Jewish?


Jesus.   They are the chosen people.  I Am the Messiah the people Israel waited for.  Why are not all Jews Christians – following the long awaited One –  the King of the Jews and the Saviour and Messiah of all humanity?  Many of the chosen people chose not to believe, so they stay under the bondage of the old law, do not enjoy the New Dispensation, and so are not healed!


11th July 2004(i).  Nazareth House.

Jesus.  The fatherly authority of all men, married and single and priests is founded in the Will and Word of the Father and vivified by the Holy Spirit. Outside this the authority of men will be disordered and dangerous and will devastate the motherly role of women.  The motherly authority is founded in the Will and Word of the Father and vivified by the Holy Spirit, outside this, it is disordered. 

Patricia.  The personification of Our Lady’s motherly role in all women brings their role to perfection.

Jesus.  The motherly and fatherly roles of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph are not understood in the male and female genders. The Novitiate of the Holy Family helps to put this right.  Too many men and women base their family life on bread alone (the temporal) instead of on the word of God; ‘Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ (Mat 4:4).

You are wasting too much time on irrelevant things from which you gain nothing.  I try to remind you, season after season, of Divine Innocence and the Way of Divine Innocence, but you do not hear the Song of Divine Love!  Those who say the Divine Office, sing the Song of Divine Love in union with my Bride the Church and creation.

Patricia.  Lord, why don’t we hear the Song of Divine Love with our ears instead of our souls?

Jesus.  Because men would try to kill it, capture it, or even sell it, but this way they cannot lay hold of it or silence it, for My Song will be sung!  It is sung softly; softly as featherdown, soft as a summer breeze.  It has perfume and colour, it is sung in the colours of the flowers and the trees and all that has perfume in creation.  There are millions of ways in which the Song is sung.  It is held still and fast in the great mountains and rocks until it bubbles forth in the mountain streams.  It sparkles on the rivers and it dances in the stars.  The sun shines in My Song and the birds compete in the Song each to their part.  You can even taste the Song, the harvest and the fruits of the earth that strengthen you to sing My Song and to walk in the Way of My Divine Innocence!

Those who are attuned to My Song see and hear its rhythm everywhere; those who live the Way of Divine Innocence and strive to sing this Song in all their actions, words and deeds, need not fear death.  Death is not the finale of the Song but the continuation of a life well lived in Christian piety and truth.

Patricia.  What about other peoples of the world (such as those of other faiths who do not know of the Song)?

Jesus.  They have part of the Song but not the whole of it.  The fullness of this Song resides in the Catholic Faith.   No other religious leader has ever said “I Am that I Am” (Exo 3:14) or that “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me”! (Jn 14:6)


21st July 2004.                 

Patricia.   At the end of Mass I was going to teach a little prayer of thanksgiving to my granddaughter aged six, after she had received a blessing from the Priest.  She is not old enough yet to receive Holy Communion.  She said to me:

Child.   “I do what my daddy does” (Saying prayers her father had taught her)!

Jesus.   See the importance of good example. This statement of this little one is more important than you might expect, “I do what my daddy does”. ‘I came only to do the Will of my Father’.  I do only what my Abba does. My Father is in Me and I am in Him so that you also may be in us. (cf. Jn 17:21)  The seriousness of leading one of these little ones astray is grave indeed.  In fatherhood, not only must My life and word be protected but you must do only your Heavenly Father’s Will.  St. Joseph did the will of My Father in protecting and providing for me in Nazareth. Therein lies your peace and holiness.  To lead one of these little ones astray, ‘it is better that a millstone were hung around that person’s neck and he be thrown into the sea’ (Mt 18:6). 

Your Heavenly Father saw the effects of original sin and the devastating effects of ignorance.  He took pity on you and sent his Son so that your crucified innocence, and that of your children, could be triumphant in My Crucified Innocence and My Triumph on the Cross. 

The authority of fathers over their children and in the family should be according to the Will of God the Father.  ‘If you have seen me you have seen the Father’ (Jn 14:9) so you cannot say “how can we know the Father’s Will?”  ‘I am meek and humble of heart’, I spoke the truth, I Am Truth.  Innocence resides in the Truth.  Divine Innocence is Truth residing.  Truth resides in the Holy Family.  The Trinitarian life of the Holy Family is not optional, it is mandatory and formational!  It is a place of peace and holiness, a shelter from the world.  It is for men, women and children, God’s own Household within the Church!

Do not be distant relatives of the Holy Family* (other Christians and other religions), be One Holy Family and People of God!  Yes, do as this little girl has said, “I do what my daddy does”, Your ‘Abba’, Your Heavenly Father! [Patricia. ‘Abba’ has the same intimate meaning as ‘Daddy’]

*Patricia.  Dear Heavenly Father, please let me know you as my Abba, Daddy, in the way a little child would, so that I may feel secure under the care of a good father. Give me the grace to do only Your Will.

Jesus.  In what I have said here you can see why St. Joseph is My foster father and guardian, not My Father, for I AM is not engendered from mortal seed, I Am ‘begotten not made’.  I took my humanity from the Immaculate Mother of God.  I AM ‘God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made, of one being with the Father’ (Nicene Creed).  I could not obey the will of man unless it was in accord with the Father’s Will.  As you see from the Gospel account, St. Joseph, until instructed by the Angel, was going to put away the Blessed Mother (Mt 1:18-21).

From the Gospel account, you see he humbly accepted correction and training within the Novitiate of the Holy Family and took up his role as father guardian of My life in the family and in the world.  He protected the Word made flesh in the womb of the Virgin and within the Holy Family.  The Blessed Mother and St. Joseph did the same in themselves and in others, nurturing and protecting My life, and lived in joyful unity in the Holy Spirit, according to the Will of the Father. 

There is no greater place of safety than to serve the Novitiate of the Holy Family in Nazareth Universal, within the One Holy Catholic Church.  My Church was acquired at the price of My Blood. Do not accept a poor imitation of the other Christian denominations, they are demon-ations; they are not founded by Me and are not of the original saving perfection, because you need the Sacraments.  I did not nominate Luther, King Henry VIII or others to build My Church!  I built My Church on the firm rock of Peter (Mt 16:18).

The One, Holy, Catholic Church is My Bride, spotless and pure.  I do not take a second, third or more brides, I do not take a harlot or the unfaithful to be My Bride!  These other denominations are not My Bride [the Virgin Bride of Christ], the Catholic Church of which the Blessed Virgin is a type.  These other denominations reject the Virgin and in this show their true colours.  The dragon pursued the woman clothed in the Sun in order to kill her child as it was born and when he found that this was not possible he turned upon her children (Rev 12).  Still the old enemy tries to kill My life wherever it is born anew in mankind; to kill or distort My Word, My Church, My doctrine, My Sacraments, wherever I Am present.  Do not co-operate with him!  The Scriptures are specific.  They say, ‘There will be one flock and one shepherd’ (Jn 10:16).  Protestantism proliferates many churches, false shepherds, no rock of Peter, no Virgin Bride – does not honour My Mother and so breaks the Commandment.  Turn, My children, to the Truth that comes from God!  Be My One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and receive the Sacraments of the Catholic Church and her doctrine!


Patricia.  Lumen Gentium, the Church’s Constitution on the Church, states in n.8:


‘Christ, the one Mediator, established and continually sustains here on earth his holy Church, the community of faith, hope and charity, as an entity with visible delineation (9) through which he communicates truth and grace to all. But the society structured with hierarchical organs and the Mystical Body of Christ are not to be considered as two realities, nor are the visible assembly and the spiritual community, nor the earthly Church and the Church enriched with heavenly things; rather they form one complex reality which coalesces from a divine and a human element.(10) For this reason, by no weak analogy, it is compared to the mystery of the incarnate Word. As the assumed nature inseparably united to him serves the divine Word as a living organ of salvation, so, in a similar way, does the visible social structure of the Church serve the Spirit of Christ, who vivifies it, in the building up of the body (cf. Eph 4:16).


This is the one Church of Christ which in the Creed is professed as one, holy, catholic and apostolic,(12) which our Saviour, after his resurrection, commissioned Peter to shepherd (Jn 21:17), and, with the other apostles to extend and direct with authority (cf. Mt 28:18:f.), which he erected for all ages as "the pillar and mainstay of the truth" (1 Tm 3:15). This Church constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the Successor of Peter and by the bishops in communion with him(13), although many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure. These elements, as gifts belonging to the Church of Christ, are forces impelling toward catholic unity.’

Patricia.  The Church draws her doctrine from Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Dei Verbum, the Church’s Constitution on Divine Revelation states in n.9:

‘…..there exists a close connection and communication between sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture. For both of them, flowing from the same divine wellspring, in a certain way merge into a unity and tend toward the same end. For Sacred Scripture is the Word of God inasmuch as it is consigned to writing under the inspiration of the divine Spirit, while sacred Tradition takes the Word of God entrusted by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit to the apostles and hands it on to their successors in its full purity, so that, led by the light of the Spirit of truth, they may in proclaiming it preserve this Word of God faithfully, explain it and make it more widely known. Consequently, it is not from Sacred Scripture alone that the Church draws her certainty about everything which has been revealed. Therefore, both sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture are to be accepted and venerated with the same sense of loyalty and reverence.’


17th August 2004.   Feast of Our Lady of the Hidden and Mystical Wounds.     

Patricia.  We were gathered in a primary school for our family get-together after the Walk of the Sign of the Cross over the United Kingdom, which was completed with Mass at St. Raphael’s Church, Surbiton, England.  At the singing of the hymn ‘O purest of creatures, sweet Mother, sweet Maid’ Our Lady came and gave the following message:

Our Lady.  Thank you my children for your response today. 

Patricia.  Speaking as if she were a teacher in a school classroom, Our Lady then said:

Our Lady.  How many of you are my students?  Raise your hands! How many of you, my dear children, have truly begun to walk in the Way of My Son’s Divine Innocence? Here you are in a school for primary school children.  What is your grade in my school, the School of Nazareth Universal?  I am your Novice Mistress, St. Joseph your Novice Master, the Lord of Life, not only your only God but your Professor.  In this Novitiate I have come in these messages to gather into the Lord’s Household all humanity.  I came to you first, will you disappoint me?  Will I be able to proudly present you as good students to My Lord and your Lord?  Children, there is no time to waste.

There are to be attacks on the Church. Many have already taken place and many others are fully active. You need to be armed with a deep knowledge of the faith.  Please, I beg of you, come and study the Novitiate of the One Holy Family of God!  I will then show you just what an ‘amazing grace’ Divine Innocence is!  My Motherly Blessing +.


15th September 2004(ii). Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Convent in France.

Patricia.  Some of us were staying in the Convent’s guest house.  The sisters were an enclosed order. Their spirituality was centred around prayer, adoration and self renunciation.  I prayed that God would show us the way in which this community of sisters could respond to Christ’s Divine Innocence and this new theological development.  Last night after talking to the Mother Superior of the community, I saw in my spirit, sisters who were well trained in the faith teaching the laity in their Church at the Eucharistic University.  I understood that the sisters could arrange programs of study for the laity and also short retreats so that lay people can experience their contemplative way of life.  I felt there should be a greater freedom of movement but in the correct spirit of things and with proper safeguards. .  If the sisters are well educated in doctrine, the teaching and documents of the Church, in catechesis and evangelisation, they are less likely to lose their vocation.  Our Lord said to tell the sisters to look at the obligations and to see how much they already do.

Jesus.  Be united in My Divine Innocence and the Novitiate of the Holy Family.

Patricia.  Lord, what is the difference between the two novitiates, a religious one and the Novitiate of the Holy Family?

Jesus.  The Novitiate of the Holy Family is fundamental for the whole Church and all humanity and universal.  All other novitiates are particular from within the Universal Novitiate.  The Novitiate of the Holy Family cannot by its original nature be at variance with this community’s novitiate.  It has been given to expand your own novitiate into evangelisation and New Evangelisation.  The sisters need to be well trained in devotion and doctrine, held together in perfect balance (true doctrine, not deviation).